AJT Detective: Approved private detective agency
Surveys in France and internationally
Rate & quote
Choose AJT Detective to obtain the services of an approved detective

What determines the rate we will announce to you?
Your satisfaction is our priority and we know that the rate is important in choosing the investigator who will handle your case. That’s why we process your quote requests for free and quickly, based on:
- The complexity of your case (number of investigators, etc.)
- The means to be put in place
- The geographical area (we operate throughout France and internationally)
Packages can be offered per day or per week and payment schedules can be set up at no cost.
AJT Detective submits a precise contract for approval by its clients, specifying the details of the mission entrusted and the amount of fees applied.

Investigation fee reimbursement
It is possible to get reimbursement of the fees incurred for the private detective by the opposing party.
Article 700 of the Civil Procedure Code provides: The judge orders the party who is responsible for the costs or who loses the lawsuit to pay:
1° To the other party the amount he determines, in respect of the expenses incurred and not included in the costs;
2° And, where applicable, to the lawyer of the recipient of partial or total legal aid a sum in respect of the fees and expenses, not included in the costs, that the recipient of the aid would have incurred if he had not had this aid. In this case, the procedure is as set out in the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 37 of Law No. 91-647 of 10 July 1991.
In all cases, the judge takes into account the equity or economic situation of the party ordered to pay. He can, even on his own initiative, for reasons arising from the same considerations, say that there is no obligation to pay. Nevertheless, if he awards a sum under 2° of this article, it cannot be less than the State’s contributory share.
Source: Legifrance
As for the combination of legal aid and Article 700 of the CPC: Being separate from the amounts taken into account under Legal Aid, Article 700 of the CPC applies even to the benefit of the winning party who is benefiting from this contribution from the State.